January 26, 2023
Report Your At-Home COVID Test Results with Make My Test Count
Did you take a COVID-19 at-home test and want to report it? You can report your test result at Make My Test Count, a collaboration between the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering and CareEvolution.
Reporting test results can help disease investigators know how fast COVID-19 is spreading and where surges may be happening. You can record both positive and negative results, as well as the type of test you took. You will be asked a few questions and then you can submit your results. Some of the questions are completely optional like your race, ethnicity, and sex assigned at birth. You can also report for members in your family.
By submitting your information, you can help public health teams track the virus, while keeping your personal test results private and anonymous.
Where does your data go? The data collected by Make My Test Count will be de-identified and will be sent to the same public health systems that currently receive COVID-19 test results from doctors’ offices and laboratories. You can learn more on the Make My Test Count website under Frequently Asked Questions.
If you test positive for COVID-19, please note that this website does not provide medical advice. Instead, talk to your healthcare provider. You can also use the state’s free telehealth service (833-273-6330) to find out if COVID-19 treatment pills, such as Paxlovid, are right for you. This service is available in multiple languages.
If you have any questions about testing positive and/or are in need of resources (connecting to a healthcare provider, food resources, masks, etc.), you can call the confidential COVID-19 Hotline for the public health departments of Cambridge, Chelsea, Revere, and Winthrop at 617-933-0797. The hotline is managed by the Cambridge Public Health Department and is a free service.