Types of Bodywork Therapy
The health department issues Bodywork Therapy establishment and practitioner licenses. Bodywork Therapy encompasses many modalities, including, but not limited to:
- Acupressure
- Amma
- Chi nei sang
- Nuat thai
- Tuina
- Rolfing
- An mo
- Ayurvedic
- Jin shin do
- Shiatsu
- Polarity therapy
- Okazaki restorative therapy
Applicants must satisfy specific licensure requirements and pay a fee* before a license to practice bodywork therapy in Cambridge will be issued.
Practitioners must practice at licensed establishments.
Massage Therapy Licensure
Oversight of massage therapy practitioners, facilities, and schools is solely the responsibility of the Massachusetts Board of Registration of Massage Therapy. The Board is currently accepting massage therapy practitioner and facility license applications.
* Holders of state-issued massage therapy licenses who wish to practice bodywork therapy in Cambridge must still apply for and receive a Cambridge bodywork therapy license to do so. In this situation, the Cambridge licensing fee requirement will be waived.
Updated: February 1, 2024