All content published on Cambridge Public Health Department’s (CPHD) social media accounts is subject to monitoring. While CPHD welcomes comments, posts, and messages from social media users; these may be hidden, rejected, or removed (if possible) when the content:.

  • promotes commercial interests even if related to a public health topic.
  • is misinformation/disinformation with the attempt to spread to others.   
  • contains malware, viruses, or any link or application that would damage or harm anyone’s computer or software or steal private information.
  • promotes or endorses political campaigns or candidates.
  • is threatening, discriminatory, racist, homophobic, sexist, offensive, obscene, or inflammatory. This may result in an investigation by public safety officials. 
  • contains information that reasonably could compromise individual or public safety.
  • contains personal identifying information or sensitive personal information. This can include personal phone numbers, residential addresses, or similar information. 
  • contains obscenity or material that appeals to the prurient interest.
  • incites or promotes violence or illegal activities.
  • contains multiple, successive off-topic posts by a single user or repetitive posts copied and pasted by multiple users.
  • contains content that the CPHD Communications and Marketing team deems inappropriate.


Comments, posts, or messages from users do not reflect the official positions at CPHD. 

Please note that the CPHD social media accounts are not monitored 24/7. CPHD staff may not see every inappropriate comment/post/message right away but will address them as quickly as possible.

Updated: January 27, 2025