July 22, 2024
CDC Cautions High-risk Groups About Listeria Outbreak, Possibly Linked to Deli Meats

The CDC has announced a Listeria outbreak believed to be linked to meats sliced at grocery store deli counters. Several of the reported cases have occurred in the Northeast, including in Massachusetts.
Listeria are bacteria that can contaminate foods. People who eat those foods can get infected with Listeria. While many people who become infected with Listeria have no or minimal symptoms, it can be serious in some cases.
Listeria may be especially harmful to people who:
- are pregnant;
- are aged 65 or older; or
- have weakened immune systems.
CDC recommends that people in these groups either avoid eating meats sliced at the deli or heat deli meats to an internal temperature of 165 degrees F or until steaming hot before eating. Refrigeration does not kill Listeria, but heating to a high enough temperature will kill any germs that may be on these meats.
More information about the Listeria outbreak can be found on the CDC website. You can also learn more there about Listeria symptoms; diagnosis and treatment; and prevention.